CHINAMEX Organized Visits to Rural Poverty-stricken Households




All members of CHINAMEX Beijing companies and all overseas branches actively made donations for the event. On behalf of CHINAMEX, local government of Lancun Township of Xinfu District, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province gave daily necessities and warm greetings to 1421 poverty stricken households (2900 persons) in the township.  Local families and people felt the warmth and love sent by CHINAMEX to welcome a cheerful Spring Festival. On behalf of 1421 poor families, Lancun Township People’s Government sent CHINAMEX a Thank You Letter to express gratitude.

This charitable event embodies the strong teamwork, social responsibility and caring spirit of CHINAMEX people. In the future, we will continue to carry forward teamwork to overcome challenges, work hard, and perform more social responsibilities for the society.