CHINAMEX Re-Elects Vice Chairman of Chinese Committee of the China-Arab Joint Chamber of Commerce




On August 19, 2021, the Meeting of the China-Arab Joint Chamber of Commerce was held in Yinchuan, Ningxia. Zhang Shaogang, Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), Khaled Hanafy, Secretary General of the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture for Arab Countries, head from Department of Western Asia and Africa Affairs of the Ministry of Commerce and more than 150 representatives from the China-Arab Joint Chamber of Commerce attended this meeting online. 40 people attended this meeting onsite, including heads from Ningxia Council for the Promotion of International Trade and representatives of enterprises. Ms. Wang Rong, General Manager of CHINAMEX attended this meeting online on invitation.


The meeting elected new chairman and vice chairmans. The meeting announced that China Communications Construction Company was elected as new chairman, and 13 enterprises were elected as vice chairman units, including China Great Wall Industry Corporation, China Gezhouba Group Corporation, Zhongxing Telecom Equipment and CHINAMEX.

Ms. Wang Rong said in this meeting that CHINAMEX willmake every effort to fulfill its own responsibilities as well as the missions entrusted by the Chamber of Commerce.“With the support of the International Chamber of Commerce and all parties, CHINAMEX will remain true to original missions and move forward by giving full play to the recognized brand and influence of Dragon City and continuing to provide services for more Chinese enterprises going global, with a view to make more contributions to China-Arab economic and trade cooperation,“said Wang Rong.
